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The 8 areas most benefited by the development of virtual reality or virtual world

See which sectors of the economy are already putting Virtual Reality into practice and how this brought them the greatest benefit for business.

According to the study by the consulting firm IDC, the virtual world market will double in the next few years, and is expected to grow more than 100% annually, reaching nearly $215 billion in negotiations over the entire chain.
The most in-demand sectors that will be responsible for driving most of this growth are retail, manufacturing and end consumers. Commerce itself will account for more than 60% of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) spending, and will grow to more than 85% of the global total, followed by manufacturing and construction. Other sectors that also stand out are, for example, laboratories, therapy and physical rehabilitation, as well as maintenance of public infrastructure.

The 8 areas most benefited by the development of virtual reality or virtual world

Just to be clear, virtual reality is that which involves people in completely virtual environments, either through glasses or headphones that provide 360-degree video and audio, while augmented reality includes virtual items in the real world, for example, applications that place furniture in the home, Even before the buyer goes to the store, just by browsing the company's catalog, or who changes the color of the wall, just so the consumer has an idea of ​​what the space will be like
Focusing on virtual reality, let's look at 8 areas that have benefited the most from the rise of technology.


It is now possible to follow a surgery remotely, with an expert doctor, working together with a less expert one. Through VR, the two professionals can see the same scene in real time and discuss the best procedures with each other.


How about a room on relief, going through different mountains of the world, without leaving the classroom? Or how about being able to see countries as if you were on board an airplane to learn about geopolitics? These are possible activities with VR, to guarantee greater learning in the students.


Training in fighters, war tanks and other heavy vehicles, which can represent not only time consumption, but also waste of resources, become more accessible with VR. It is possible, through this, to develop more realistic simulations of failures, attacks and other attacks, preparing the military outside the war zone with lower risks
Doubts on the assembly line can be resolved through VR, with the operator in the factory and the specialist in any other part of the world, as long as they are in a place with an internet connection. As well as access to text and video information on the assembly of any part, it is possible to follow in real time, making it easier and faster to identify faults.


Doubts on the assembly line can be resolved through VR, with the operator in the factory and the specialist in any other part of the world, as long as they are in a place with an internet connection. As well as access to text and video information on the assembly of any part, it is possible to follow in real time, making it easier and faster to identify faults.


Trying on a new combination of clothes, without having to try it on, is one of the possibilities for commerce. The client can test the entire catalog in a faster and more dynamic way, make combinations or listen to suggestions from a consultant for their type of physique. VR also allows you to completely decorate a house with virtual objects, changing colors and dimensions to fit the environment.


You can get a more concrete vision of the place you want to visit before buying tickets or looking for accommodation, making the decision of the travel plan easier. It is a very efficient way to stimulate the interest and desire of travelers, as well as an excellent opportunity for agencies to show the main points of each destination.


Virtual test drives with the possibility of seeing the car inside, without the risks involved in driving the real car, reducing the possibility of accidents, can be a safer way, both for buyers and dealers. In addition to that, Virtual Reality makes it possible to create a virtual inventory, so that it is not necessary to have a large number of cars at the dealership.


To improve the consumer experience, VR joins sensory marketing and reaches the customer in all their senses, especially the visual and auditory senses. Campaigns to generate commitment between a brand and its target audience use this technology more and more.
In short, the possibilities are innumerable and all sectors are looking at practical actions for their businesses. When making the decision to invest in Virtual Reality, the cost and benefit must be balanced, from points such as resource savings and reduction of material waste, to user comfort. The investment may be high at the beginning, but the benefits quickly outweigh the costs.

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